Creative Commons
Creative commons allows you to share your work with no legal obligations. Make sure it is credited, meaning you credit the person who actually created the product, image etc.
Right given to the owner/publisher to protect their media (for example music/audio, graphics/video and software) and stop others using it without their permission.
Types of copyright:
Right to copy - royalty free, creative commons (CC)
No right to copy - Copyrighted protected
Royalty Free
Royalty free is copyrighted material available to use without needing to pay royalties or license fees.
Fair Use
Fair use is using a copyrighted material for a limited purpose such as to comment, criticise or parody. These uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. If your use qualifies as a fair use, it would not be considered an illegal infringement. - Attractive, well designed website with a large amount of free and paid audio. - Simple, royalty free audio available. Music and sound FX. - Copyright obtaining service. St. Lucia based. - Music licensing company - Music licensing company
Copyrighted Music Catalogs:
Amazon Music
Google Music
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