We asked a demographic of 52 people aged 15-25 some questions about politics. One of the questions we asked was whether they preferred Digital or Print posters. 42.3% of people said Digital and Print, whilst 13.4% of people said both and 1 person (2%) said none. We also asked the same people how much they know about politics (between 1-5). The average answer was 2.06. 44 of the 52 people we asked said they did not support a political party (84.6%). 3 of them said labour (6%), 1 said conservative (2%), 1 said green (2%) and 2 said they supported a party (4%), but did not state a specific one. We also asked them how often they access political information. 9 people said weekly (17.3%), 14 people said daily (26.9%), 6 said rarely (11.5%), 21 said never (40.4%).
When it comes to political posters, according to our questionnaire, people are evenly divided between Digital and Print posters. This shows a huge rise in digital advertising since being introduced. Unsurprisingly, considering the demographic chosen, the average political knowledge score was 2.06 out of 5. This result is extremely low, however due to the lack of compulsory political education this is not surprising. It is also unsurprising that the majority of people we asked don’t support a political party for the same reasoning. This result could also be linked to the age of the people asked (majority not old enough to vote). The majority of people also said they never access political information, again almost certainly related to the demographic.
In todays lesson I learnt how not to assume things when writing a factual evaluation of results. I also learnt how to professionally make assumptions using the results. I also re-learnt how to calculate percentages, averages and how to analyse/use filters in Google spreadsheet documents. I have previously used spreadsheets, however before coming to college I have never used Google's online 'Sheets". I found that my previous knowledge of spreadsheets transferred easily over to the new UI and I easily gathered the results and organised them effectively.
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