Copyright © Charlie Graham COBC
Design by Dzignine
Thursday 13 November 2014


What it is/does
  • Comes in long tubes
  • Multiple different colours
  • 20 minutes for creation to solidify
  • Just add water to recreate
  • Substance once dried is extremely hard to break
  • Scentless
  • Lots of fun!!


  • Blue background start
  • Blueprint style pattern made
  • Text style imported
  • Title written and centred
  • Hand drawings scanned and imported into illustrator
  • Hand drawings used as template and traced over
  • Ideas changed, hand drawings imported and colours inverted to give the hand drawn blueprint feel.
  • Water drop drawn on illustrator and imported into photoshop.
  • Warp text used to wrap “just add water” round droplet
  • Description written and translucent green box added as background
  • “dries in 20 minutes” text added and formatted correctly to fit


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