Copyright © Charlie Graham COBC
Design by Dzignine
Monday 19 January 2015

Magazine Article & Name Ideas

Mind-mapping consists of writing the first word that comes into your head related to the one youre branching off of. The hard thing to do is to ignore the main question and just use the word your branching off from. This creates a wide range of words that later on can be joined up to make it easier to come up with names/ideas. Mind-mapping defeats the 'creativity barrier' and lets your brain work more easily. 

After a little mind-mapping a few ideas started to pop up. With the main link behind Politics and Young People being “Parties”. I decided to play with the word slightly to create a witty yet professional title for my magazine. Young people in the news are currently being portrayed as having a ‘short attention span’ and likewise. With fast food being linked to young people, I decided “Fast Politics” could also be designed and an article created (with a weekly instalment feel to it). 

Fast food, Fast Politics

“You wouldn’t go to a boring party, so why vote for one? Get informed.”

  • Daily Party
  • Debating Party
  • Boring Parties
  • Parties Today
  • Party Monthly
  • Seated Party
  • The Party Times
  • Times to Party
  • Suited Party


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